Welcome to the Dotnet Playbook!
What is it?
Well it’s basically a place for me to brain-dump:
- Solutions to problems I wanted to solve
- Things I wanted to learn
- Or just my own personal thoughts…
All within the bounded-context of the Microsoft .Net Framework – so that still gives me a pretty big play ground though!
Why this subject area?
Well I’ve been working with the .Net Framework since it’s release, originally as a developer of real-time desktop applications, (written in c#), through to my current interest in .Net Core as a non-professional developer, (i.e. I don’t get paid to code anymore).
I’ve seen it evolve over time, (some good stuff, some bad), but I’m really excited with where things are heading now with .Net Core, it’s like it’s come full circle and is now finally fulfilling the original promise of a true platform agnostic framework, (which is also reflective of Microsoft as a whole).
Who’s it for?
Everyone and anyone is welcome, (I don’t discriminate!), but it’s probably aimed more at beginner – intermediate developers, as well as people, (like me), who just like to explore, tinker and play with cool stuff.
While I hope that all of the “plays” I list in this Playbook will be useful in various guises and adopted in different projects, they come with absolutely no warranty!
Do I get paid?
At this stage the blog is really just a personal thing I enjoy doing, and it complements my YouTube channel well, (my other little passion project). At this stage the blog makes me no money and I don’t intend to pepper it with annoying adverts, (I do however monetize my YouTube videos with ads – as I find them over all less intrusive in a video format).
I may look into some affiliate programs at some stage, and I’ll make it clear if the links to products I place here have the potential to earn me a little extra cash.
Who am I?

Probably should have started with this, but then I feel I’m less interesting than the blog…
My name is Les, (Jackson), I’m originally from the Glasgow, (Scotland’s largest city), but now live in Melbourne, Australia, (as I have since around 2009). You can imagine that coming from the cold corner of the northern part of Europe to the heat of Australia has been quite a journey for me!
I’ve always worked in IT, specifically Telecommunications, originally as a Graduate Software Engineer with British Telecom, all the way through to my current role with Telstra, (Australia’s largest telecommunications provider). However I will stress that this blog is personal, and in no way reflects the views or opinions of my employers either past, present or future.
Aside from blogging, (and coding), I enjoy making videos, cycling, going to the gym, eating, traveling with my partner, and of course being Scottish, (and I guess now Australian!), the odd beer here and there.
Contact Me
For sponsorship opportunities and any other inquiries, please email:
Email: les@dotnetplaybook.com